What Legal Considerations Should UK Startups Keep in Mind When Using Influencer Marketing?

In the current digital age, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses. It’s a strategy where brands leverage the reach and influence of popular social media figures to promote their products or services. The effectiveness of influencer marketing has led to its widespread adoption, especially among startups looking to establish their brand and reach a wider audience. However, as with any marketing strategy, there are certain legal considerations that need to be taken into account.

Compliance with Advertising Laws

As a startup, before diving into the world of influencer marketing, you need to understand the advertising laws in the UK. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) regulates all ad content, including sponsored posts by influencers.

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The ASA’s primary mandate is to ensure that all advertising is legal, decent, honest, and truthful. To comply with ASA’s guidelines, influencers and brands must disclose if the content they are posting is promotional. This is usually done by using the hashtag #ad or #sponsored. Failing to properly disclose a sponsored post could lead to significant penalties for your startup.

Another aspect to consider is the nature of the product being promoted. Certain products like alcohol, tobacco, or pharmaceuticals have additional restrictions. For instance, influencers promoting alcoholic beverages must ensure their audience is 18 years or older.

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Data Protection and Privacy

Data protection and privacy are paramount considerations in today’s digital business landscape. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK’s own Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) mandate strict rules about how businesses collect, store, and use consumer data.

In the context of influencer marketing, you will likely be sharing customer data with influencers, and they will also be generating data about your audience. It’s essential to ensure you’re compliant with all relevant data protection laws.

You should have clear and transparent privacy policies that outline how you collect and use data. Any data sharing agreements with influencers must be thorough, clearly stating what data is being shared, how it will be used, and what security measures are in place to protect it.

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights are another key legal aspect to bear in mind. In the world of influencer marketing, these rights can cover everything from the content of social media posts to the design of the products being promoted.

Startups must ensure they have the appropriate permissions and licenses to use influencers’ content for their promotional activities. This includes the right to repost or share the content on different platforms, as well as the right to use it in other promotional materials or campaigns.

Conversely, businesses must also respect the intellectual property rights of others. Be particularly cautious about featuring logos, trademarks, or copyrighted materials of third parties in your influencer-driven content without their express permission.

Ensuring Ethical and Responsible Influencer Engagement

Marketing ethics might not be enshrined in law, but they have a significant bearing on your brand reputation and audience trust. Therefore, ensuring ethical and responsible influencer engagement forms a crucial part of your considerations.

This includes vetting potential influencers to ensure they are a good fit for your brand and that their audience aligns with your target demographic. It’s crucial that their values and ethos align with your brand, as any dissonance can lead to negative audience perception.

Additionally, you should avoid any form of misleading marketing practices. Influencers should not make false or exaggerated claims about your products or services. They should also refrain from directly or indirectly promoting harmful or illegal behavior.

Contracts with Influencers

Finally, and arguably most importantly, any influencer marketing arrangement should be supported by a robust written contract. This contract will protect both your business and the influencer, and it should clearly define the terms of the relationship.

The contract should detail the scope of work, payment terms, intellectual property rights, and termination rights. It should also clarify the influencer’s obligations regarding the disclosure of promotional content and adherence to advertising standards and other legal requirements.

By observing these legal considerations, you will ensure that your influencer marketing campaign remains compliant with UK law, while also protecting your brand and business interests.

The Role of Marketing Agencies in Influencer Marketing

When exploring influencer marketing, many startups opt to collaborate with a marketing agency. These agencies often have extensive experience in managing influencer campaigns and can provide valuable insights and guidance. They can prove beneficial in navigating the myriad of legal and ethical considerations faced by businesses in this arena.

Marketing agencies can help startups identify suitable influencers whose audience aligns with the brand’s target demographic. They can also guide businesses through the process of negotiating contracts with influencers. These contracts should clearly delineate the scope of work, payment terms, intellectual property rights, and termination rights. Also, marketing agencies can ensure that influencers adhere to the stipulated advertising standards and other legal requirements.

When it comes to ensuring compliance with data protection laws, marketing agencies can be a valuable resource. They can help startups understand the intricacies of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA). In particular, they can guide businesses on how to share customer data with influencers without breaching any legal norms.

Moreover, marketing agencies can also help startups navigate the ethical angle of influencer marketing. They can ensure that influencers do not make false or exaggerated claims about the brand’s products or services, as such practices can harm the brand’s reputation.


In conclusion, leveraging the power of influencer marketing can provide significant benefits for startups. It offers a unique avenue to reach a broad audience and establish brand presence in the competitive marketplace. However, like any marketing strategy, it comes with its unique set of legal and ethical considerations.

To ensure that their influencer marketing campaign is legal, decent, and truthful, startups in the UK must adhere to the guidelines laid out by the ASA. They should also follow the regulations of the GDPR and DPA when handling customer data. Additionally, startups must respect intellectual property rights and ensure responsible and ethical influencer engagement.

While managing these considerations can be challenging, collaborating with a marketing agency can help navigate these legal and ethical landscapes. By doing so, startups can ensure their influencer marketing campaign is not only effective and engaging but also compliant with UK law. This adherence not only safeguards the business interests but also enhances the brand image in the eyes of the consumers.

So, while influencer marketing is an exciting opportunity, a business plan that comprehends all the legal and ethical considerations is key to its successful implementation. Whether through self-education or partnership with a marketing agency, startups have the potential to harness the power of influencer marketing, making their mark in today’s digital age.